The HeavenField - Book Two (#1)

by Ian G. Hulme

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Podcast Audiobook
7 Episodes
222 Minutes Total

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This legacy title is only available as a serialized audibook in podcast form.


The Second installment of The HeavenField novel - a fast-paced science-fiction thriller set within a British experimental Scientific Research Facility.

“…The world has changed forever; we have opened the door to something which we don’t understand, and that door cannot be closed. I only hope we can change with the world.” The man had a fevered stare, and Thomas found himself mesmerised by his words, obscure as they were. The man suddenly stiffened, as if hearing a distant noise, then leaned close to Thomas once more. “They’re coming,” he whispered.

When Grace Palmer and her team of research scientists discover a way into a mysterious world they name the HeavenField, they trigger a devastating chain of events. Bizarre, unexplained murders and attacks on the Project leave scientists trapped in the Field with no way to return. As their air supplies run low and their equipment begins to fail, their nightmares begin to play out before them.

Now, as Grace Palmer tries to pick up the pieces of the shattered HeavenField Project, Alex finds himself travelling the wastes of the Field in an attempt to flee the mysterious Speers and Gutteridge.

Soon though, he is forced to make a decision which may lead him back to Maunsworth House, and to ultimately kill again…

Story Elements

Ratings Factors

Language: Podcasts only - not specified
Sexual Content: Podcasts only - not specified
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Podcasts only - not specified
Violence: Podcasts only - not specified


Geography: Podcasts only - not specified
Realism: Podcasts only - not specified
Setting Type: Podcasts only - not specified
Time Period: Podcasts only - not specified

Main Character

Age: Podcasts only - not specified
Gender: Podcasts only - not specified
Race: Podcasts only - not specified
Religion: Podcasts only - not specified
Sexual Preference: Podcasts only - not specified

Styles & Themes

Humor: Podcasts only - not specified
Inspires Reader to Feel: Podcasts only - not specified
Mysteries & Puzzles: Podcasts only - not specified
Pacing: Podcasts only - not specified
Physical Action: Podcasts only - not specified
Political/Social Commentary: Podcasts only - not specified
Romance: Podcasts only - not specified
Genre Science Fiction
  • World is similar to ours, but plot elements transcend modern science
  • Science stretched but possible (possible science of the near future)
  • Science of far future, attempts for rigorous accuracy
  • Science well beyond modern definitions, bordering on fantasy
Setting Type:
  • Post-Apocalyptic
  • Space
Time Period:
  • 2020 - 2030
  • 2030 - 2050
  • 2050 - 2100
  • 2100 - 2200
  • 2200 - 3000
  • Far Future (3000+)

About the author

More books by Ian G. Hulme

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