Living Neverland

by Wendell Charles NeSmith

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Podcast Audiobook
22 Episodes
429 Minutes Total

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This legacy title is only available as a serialized audibook in podcast form.


Wendell battles to the heart of all of the problems in society and teaches his lost children how to defeat Hook and his evil mind controlling pirates.

Each wrinkle infused into our skin paints a picture into our past and the actions of our present then directs the shape of their future. A frown will eventually infuse into old age and the mannerisms that we utilise will form into the heart that controls them. And as these wrinkles stack, we begin to forget the dreams that once plagued our minds. Popular culture then reinforces this conformity through simple yet repetitive messages and those who see through them end up being marginalised by society. Our path gets darker as the fairies of the world lose the fire that drives them. Because if we lose the ability to interpret non-literal examples into the reality of how we and everything around us functions, then we also inflict oppression that could obtain us real collective insight. And when those who have discovered fairy dust unite, the revolution will begin and the golden freaks who kept their happy thoughts will remember how you treated them when they evolve into your judge, jury, …

About the author

Wendell Charles NeSmith

I spent my life invested in wisdom and naturally graduated in philosophy at university. When I understood the bigger picture, I created free pieces of information in order to effectively convey those topics. I wrote five books sharing my wisdom into what a better tomorrow could look like. I directed countless films to educate you about the topics. Along my journeys I was banned and censored from almost every mainstream and alternative platform. However, I fought very hard for the right to bring this information to you. So for the rest of my days I will make videos, write books, and make games that show you what this world could one day become if we only play our cards right.

More books by Wendell Charles NeSmith

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