Fiddle and Burn, Vol. 1 - The Adventures of Coyote Man

by Jason Pomerantz

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Podcast Audiobook
36 Episodes
442 Minutes Total

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This legacy title is only available as a serialized audibook in podcast form.


In this podiobook: Part comedy. Part soap opera. A fiction blog. A serialized sit-com. A daily comic strip in prose.When Rantz takes a job as Circulation Director of Fiddle and Burn: Guide to Fandom Magazine, he hauls his family to a new home. None of them realizes that this will lead to one bizarre adventure after another.There's an epic struggle to throw away an old garbage can.There are embarrassing incidents involving a very rude laptop computer.There's a heroic quest to overcome parental objections and acquire an upgraded version of a violent computer game.There are profound metaphysical breakthroughs revealed in the dentist's chair.And, running through all the story lines, there's the strange figure of Coyote Man - Is he a noble superhero who defends the suburbs from vicious villains? Or is he a sad old man who lives in a dream world inside his head? It's a tale both comic and tragic, inspiring and pathetic. Some might even say… quixotic.Whether it's comic book and science fiction fandom, the publishing industry or modern American family life, Fiddle and Burn squeezes out the humor and delivers it in easily digestible bite sized doses.Podcast Special: Now including 75% more silly voices performed by the author!

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Story Elements

Ratings Factors

Language: Podcasts only - not specified
Sexual Content: Podcasts only - not specified
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Podcasts only - not specified
Violence: Podcasts only - not specified


Geography: Long Island
Realism: Consistent with real world, no magic, no unachieved science
Setting Type: Podcasts only - not specified
Time Period: Podcasts only - not specified

Main Character

Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Race: Podcasts only - not specified
Religion: Podcasts only - not specified
Sexual Preference: Podcasts only - not specified

Styles & Themes

Humor: Humor throughout
Inspires Reader to Feel: Podcasts only - not specified
Mysteries & Puzzles: Podcasts only - not specified
Pacing: Podcasts only - not specified
Physical Action: Podcasts only - not specified
Political/Social Commentary: Podcasts only - not specified
Romance: Podcasts only - not specified
Genre Humor
  • Laughs take priority over all else

About the author

Listen to Fiddle and Burn, Vol. 1 - The Adventures of Coyote Man

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