The Coal Hole

by Joshua Jared Scott

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Podcast Audiobook
18 Episodes
570 Minutes Total

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This legacy title is only available as a serialized audibook in podcast form.


Following more than twenty years of conflict, a pair of brothers come to terms, putting aside the troubles of their past, and both families jump at the chance to spend the summer together in the mountains of Pennsylvania. At first glance all seems pleasant and benign, but there are secrets lurking about the small town, talk of foul cults and human sacrifice. The locals largely consider this nonsense, even with a handful of disappearances over the years and several unexplained deaths. Yet, there are those who believe, individuals who are prepared to do whatever it takes to rid their home of this darkness, an evil that is more ancient and powerful than they imagine.

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Story Elements

Ratings Factors

Language: Podcasts only - not specified
Sexual Content: Podcasts only - not specified
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Podcasts only - not specified
Violence: Podcasts only - not specified


Geography: Podcasts only - not specified
Realism: Podcasts only - not specified
Setting Type: Podcasts only - not specified
Time Period: Podcasts only - not specified

Main Character

Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Race: Podcasts only - not specified
Religion: Podcasts only - not specified
Sexual Preference: Podcasts only - not specified

Styles & Themes

Humor: Podcasts only - not specified
Inspires Reader to Feel: Fear/Horror
Mysteries & Puzzles: Podcasts only - not specified
Pacing: Podcasts only - not specified
Physical Action: Podcasts only - not specified
Political/Social Commentary: Podcasts only - not specified
Romance: Podcasts only - not specified
Genre Horror
  • Bone-chilling horror

About the author

More books by Joshua Jared Scott

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