Extreme Christianity

by Vic Zarley

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Podcast Audiobook
14 Episodes
317 Minutes Total

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This legacy Podiobooks.com title is only available as a serialized audibook in podcast form.


G. K. Chesterton said, "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and left untried."

Extreme Christianity, subtitled Christianity without Compromise, provides motivation to follow Jesus' teachings while residing in the world. It is written, narrated and produced by Vic Zarley.

Chapter titles follow: 1. Memo from God 2. Christ's Party Platform 3. Can Christ Ascend in Us? 4. Why We Should Trust Each Other Completely 5. Suffering in Compliance or Suffering in Defiance 6. Stop It! Stop It Now! 7. Who's Pulling Our Strings? 8. Anchors Away 9. Oh, No, Defiled Again 10. The Good Samaritan 11. It's a Log Meet Log World 12. Relinquishing Disputes to Christ 13. Reluctance 14. Where Is Our Treasure? 15. If Your Eye Is Sound 16. The Pill 17. Spit Out the Fruit 18. The Skeptical Intellectual 19. Resting on Our Laurels 20. God Is God 21. A Plea for the End of All Towers of Babel 22. And Who Do We Have the Pleasure of Seeing Today? 23. Rebellion and Witchcraft 24. Following God's Plans 25. Confessions

May you be blessed!

<em>Produced and narrated by <a href="http://www.podiobooks.com/podiobooks/search.php?keyword=Vic+Zarley">Vic Zarley</a>.

Theme song "Run for Life" by <a href="http://jewelbeat.com">JewelBeat</a>. Book cover image courtesy of <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/10123888@N04/5611579264/">Flickr</a></em>.

Knowledge Elements

Reading Intent

Purpose: Podcasts only - not specified
Reader's Existing Knowledge: Podcasts only - not specified
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Podcasts only - not specified

Example Forms

Author's Personal Anecdotes: Podcasts only - not specified
Citations: Podcasts only - not specified
Examples and Case Studies: Podcasts only - not specified
Exercises and Reader Questions: Podcasts only - not specified

Writing Style

Humor: Podcasts only - not specified
Narrative: Podcasts only - not specified

About the author

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