
by Lon S. Cohen

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Podcast Audiobook
19 Episodes
324 Minutes Total

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This legacy title is only available as a serialized audibook in podcast form.


In this podiobook: Canyon Park is bowed down under a relentless torrent of rain. The fields are flooded, the bridges crumble and the increasingly isolated town is host to a serial killer with a grudge against the wealthy Lollo family. Slipping between a small cast of characters; the killer, the tortured policeman hiding a dark secret, the returning son, the inquisitive librarian, the boy caught between cultures…. each of these marred, struggling humans a part of the threadbare fabric of the town. Throughout the story, secrets and motivations are slowly revealed, people continue to die, and it continues to rain. - Emily from POD PeopleThe story is about a Native American, driven to madness by his experience growing up in the small upstate New York town of Canyon Park being discriminated, molested and ostracized. In his mind, various characters of his tribe's mythology and American popular culture vie for his soul. He terrorizes the residents of Canyon Park, murdering those he judges guilty, to punish them for their crimes against him and his ancestors. Strangely, since the killing spree began, there has been a deluge of constant rain adding to the dismal mood and hampering efforts to stop him while the resident also battle nature's fury. Under these conditions, various characters gather from places as close as the local library, to as far away as New York City, to absolve their sins and stop their beloved town from being eroded away.All the characters are eventually stripped bare in this trying time and face their naked souls, their dark inner parts that they are afraid to see and their true selves. America's national guilt over the destruction of the Native American culture is weaved through the motivation of the characters as they struggle with the consequences of acts they committed in the past or the acts of their kin.The Indian Boarding Schools and the Mythology of Iroquois Creation Myth were thoroughly researched and are based on fact though the setting and characters are all fictional. Erosion by Lon S. Cohen is available in paperback from Tom Cote for his version of Amazing Grace in my last chapter. Check out his music here.

Story Elements

Ratings Factors

Language: Podcasts only - not specified
Sexual Content: Podcasts only - not specified
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Podcasts only - not specified
Violence: Podcasts only - not specified


Geography: Podcasts only - not specified
Realism: Podcasts only - not specified
Setting Type: Podcasts only - not specified
Time Period: Podcasts only - not specified

Main Character

Age: Podcasts only - not specified
Gender: Podcasts only - not specified
Race: Podcasts only - not specified
Religion: Podcasts only - not specified
Sexual Preference: Podcasts only - not specified

Styles & Themes

Humor: Podcasts only - not specified
Inspires Reader to Feel: Podcasts only - not specified
Mysteries & Puzzles: Podcasts only - not specified
Pacing: Podcasts only - not specified
Physical Action: Podcasts only - not specified
Political/Social Commentary: Podcasts only - not specified
Romance: Podcasts only - not specified

About the author

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