Untrue Tales... Book Two (Untrue Tales From Beyond Fiction - Recollections of an Alternate Past #2)

by Teel McClanahan

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Podcast Audiobook
11 Episodes
328 Minutes Total

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This legacy Podiobooks.com title is only available as a serialized audibook in podcast form.


FULL TITLE: Untrue Tales From Beyond Fiction - Recollections of an Alternate Past, Book Two: The Twofold Invasion -or- Penetration and Destruction -or- How To Make Love With Twins – Contains mature content not suitable for all readers. Book Two continues the boy’s story from a few months after where Book One leaves off, primarily following his quest to save the life of his unborn child as he finds himself further and further from the life he knew before. This is the second book of the ongoing series; Untrue Tales From Beyond Fiction - Recollections of an Alternate Past. Look for Book One, also available at Podiobooks.com.

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Story Elements

Ratings Factors

Language: Podcasts only - not specified
Sexual Content: Podcasts only - not specified
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Podcasts only - not specified
Violence: Podcasts only - not specified


Geography: Podcasts only - not specified
Realism: World is similar to ours, but plot elements involve fantasy or magic
Setting Type: Podcasts only - not specified
Time Period: Podcasts only - not specified

Main Character

Age: Teen
Gender: Male
Race: Podcasts only - not specified
Religion: Podcasts only - not specified
Sexual Preference: Podcasts only - not specified

Styles & Themes

Humor: Podcasts only - not specified
Inspires Reader to Feel: Podcasts only - not specified
Mysteries & Puzzles: Podcasts only - not specified
Pacing: Podcasts only - not specified
Physical Action: Podcasts only - not specified
Political/Social Commentary: Podcasts only - not specified
Romance: Podcasts only - not specified

About the author

More books by Teel McClanahan

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