The Hallowing of Ground (The Demon Lord #1)

by Paul Lytle

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44,646 words
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272 min
$CP 6.99

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One year ago, the town of Felstadt was ravished by a vampire over a small insult. Now, it finds itself targeted by another vampire, but this one striking unseen, its coffin hidden somewhere near enough to town to hunt at will, but still so far undiscovered. As the terror of its dominance over the town is beginning to take hold, a party of three – a blind and cursed falconer, a gnome gunslinger, and a hunted adventuress – happen upon Felstadt as they are fleeing from the last battle they had against the undead, one that did not end well for them. Has the town found hope in an unlikely trio of vampire hunters? Or will this battle end as badly as their last one did?


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Story Elements

Ratings Factors

Language: Minor profanity used occasionally
Sexual Content: No sexual acts implied or described
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: 18-34 (New adult/twentysomethings)
Violence: Major violence, death


Geography: Mythological Realm
Realism: Fantasy world where magic is prevalent
Setting Type: Fantasy
Time Period: Dark Ages (400CE - 999CE)

Main Character

Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Race: Irrelevant
Religion: Irrelevant
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Styles & Themes

Humor: Moments of levity
Inspires Reader to Feel: Uneasy/Tense
Mysteries & Puzzles: Significant mystery(ies) are core to driving the story
Pacing: Moves quickly
Physical Action: Frequent action, driven by threat to safety or life by antagonist(s)
Political/Social Commentary: Politics irrelevant to story
Romance: Minor romance, not a significant story driver
Genre Fantasy
  • World is similar to ours, but plot elements include magic
  • Fantasy world with low or no magic
  • Fantasy world where magic is prevalent
Setting Type:
  • Fantasy
Time Period:
  • N/A (Fantasy Setting)


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About the author

Paul Lytle

Paul Lytle is a writer, musician, and podcaster based in Texas. His previous works include the Eighth Power and the Yellow Canary. He also plays the character of Crethan on the Dice & Dreary podcast, which also provided the background for the novel The Hallowing of Ground.