Ivory Heart

by Wendell Charles NeSmith

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28,737 words
$CP 0.49
406 min
$CP 0.69

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Divine Tragedy transfigures our modern day world into that of gods, goddesses, heroes, and heroines. The films adapt the original messages to be receptively understood within our current cultural practices. The objective of Divine Tragedy is to pass on living mythology through to current and future generations. When we pass along stories that help us become better human beings, we integrate wisdom into our society. Divine Tragedy is the modern day bard.

Wendell takes one special little girl on a journey through his nation's heart while teaching her how to save the world.

Pygmalion's heart has been shattered by the vicious spirits of the cruel women that exist within his world. Time after time he pushes himself to trust again but without fail it always backfires. As a result, he retreats into a life of solitude and begins the process of the creation of his highest conception of a woman. At first the project appears childish, but as his ideal develops the more life manifests within her. The woman he piecemeals together from magazine clippings develops into the only reality that he could ever accept. As he picks up the shattered pieces of his heart off the ground, he reconstructs them to form into a mirror before him. As the puzzle begins to take form, his reflection begins to breatheā€¦


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Knowledge Elements

Reading Intent

Purpose: Academic text book
Reader's Existing Knowledge: Beginner (introduction)
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Everyone (no target age)

Example Forms

Author's Personal Anecdotes: Some
Citations: Footnoted or linked in context
Examples and Case Studies: Frequent use of many different examples or case studies
Exercises and Reader Questions: No questions or exercises

Writing Style

Humor: Lots of fun or laughs
Narrative: First person


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About the author

Wendell Charles NeSmith

I spent my life invested in wisdom and naturally graduated in philosophy at university. When I understood the bigger picture, I created free pieces of information in order to effectively convey those topics. I wrote twelve books sharing my wisdom into what a better tomorrow could look like. I directed countless films to educate you about the topics. Along my journeys I was banned and censored from almost every mainstream and alternative platform. However, I fought very hard for the right to bring this information to you. So for the rest of my days I will make videos, write books, and make games that show you what this world could one day become if we only play our cards right.

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