The Message for the Last Days

Biblical and Historical Understanding of End Times

by K.J. Soze

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The future is revealed by understanding the past, where history and mystery are intertwined.

This award winning book examines the biblical quest to obtain eternal life. It guides readers through the journey in a step by step progression, from ancient prophecies to their final fulfillment. The Message for the Last Days maps out God's intersection of our temporary condition to the eternal.

How can we know what the future holds if we don't understand the past? This question is at the heart of this book as much of modern Christian culture has lost its roots. The crux of the book is derived from consistent biblical interpretation methods to find hard truths about our fate mentioned in the Bible.Topics include answers to these questions:

Why is the Christian Church so divided with many different denominations and independent Churches? Isn’t there just one true Church?

How did the modern Church get so far removed from early Church beliefs as clearly stated in the New Testament and by the early Church fathers?

What are the original prophecies in the Old Testament about the end times and how are they repeated in the New Testament?

Does the nation of Israel have anything to do with end times? What is the true meaning of the gospel and salvation?

These questions are answered by a thorough examination of various interpretation methods. This book explains six different biblical interpretation options then reveals a unified approach to understanding the Bible.

Books and articles by KJ Soze cut across various denomination lines to help find unity and clarity for those who may hold differing interpretations.

The Message for the Last Days provides detailed historical research of complex topics, such as end times and the afterlife, then condenses the results into a compact format to save time for those interested in biblical studies. The process is an integration of scriptural references, concordances, topical studies and commentaries into a unique package to help clarify the Bible's message about the future. 

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Knowledge Elements

Reading Intent

Purpose: Reference book
Reader's Existing Knowledge: Intermediate
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Working Age Adults

Example Forms

Author's Personal Anecdotes: None
Citations: Footnoted or linked in context
Examples and Case Studies: Frequent use of many different examples or case studies
Exercises and Reader Questions: Some questions or exercises

Writing Style

Humor: Serious
Narrative: Third person


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About the author

K.J. Soze

I am a Christian non-fiction publisher that uncovers “lost in plain sight” topics of the Bible such as salvation, end times and the afterlife. I have over 30 years of experience in historical and biblical research to integrate with my scientific and analytical skills. My goal is to present refreshed orthodox understandings of the Bible that sometimes get forgotten over time. I enable Bible readers to see the obvious as I try to strip away at mythological and cultural lenses that often blind our beliefs from God’s intentional gospel. Books and articles I write cut across various denomination lines to help find unity and clarity for those who may hold differing interpretations. I write about biblical history woven into prophecies about the future to help readers see the thread of God’s message for them today.

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