Why I Know That You Do Not Love Your Children! (Fuzzy Logic Series #1)

What Every Parent Should Know?

by Baa Ankh Em Rayay

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18,000 words
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107 min
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PARENTING is a divine responsibility which needs to be taken with all seriousness. But how much do you love your children? Sadly, most parents know little to none of the things that are directly impacting the life of their children negatively. How do we expect to give what we do not have?

Why I Know That You Do Not Love Your Children! Reveals un-told truths about the elements of this civilized and digitalized world we all find ourselves as well as the profound effect these are having on the overall well-being of our children.

IF you're interested in raising children that would grow up to become the best version of themselves, join Baa Ankh Em Rayay as he un-veils the veils that has blurred our vision to the hidden detrimental truths behind this new digitalized society in which we live. Truths that will raise our awareness about how parents can be unknowingly exposing their children to risk and dangers.

At the age of 42, Baa Ankh Em Rayay has not only become a father of a daughter but also a grandfather of a son. Having gone through many facets of life , learning the hard way in most cases, he has distilled his wealth of know-ledge and ex-perience in this book. When it comes to talking of love for children, Baa is the go-to guy.

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Knowledge Elements

Reading Intent

Purpose: Self-help
Reader's Existing Knowledge: Beginner (introduction)
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Parents of any age

Example Forms

Author's Personal Anecdotes: Frequent or continual
Citations: Footnoted or linked in context
Examples and Case Studies: Frequent use of many different examples or case studies
Exercises and Reader Questions: Some questions or exercises

Writing Style

Humor: Just a bit of fun or humor
Narrative: Third person


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About the author

Baa Ankh Em Rayay

Who I’m Baa Ankh Em Rayay Born: Catterick Garrison, UK Nationality: British Race: Negroid Genre: Non-Fiction Notable awards: PHD In Life and a Masters in Business as well as many other vocational qualifications. Baa Ankh Em Rayay is an Author, Director, Mentor and Life Coach (‘Transformational’), he is a new gentleman on the scene, one of the most promising newcomer’s for 2019. He was born in a country where he has never been accepted, raised in a broken poverty stricken home, which he was thrown out at the age of 15 never to return. Surprisingly he has had a very good career, NOT GREAT, and is educated to masters level with ‘degrees’ in street knowledge. Despite his successes there has always been some unseen FORCES working against him, which he is only too happy to share. Somehow, he has excelled with everything that he has touched and is not afraid of CHANGE, moving from running his own estate agency in the capital city of London (UK) to becoming a fully established author, mentor and life coach. Baa Ankh Em Rayay is ready to share his KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, and OVERSTANDING with YOU ALL with his first contribution a 9 part series: WHY I KNOW YOU DO NOT LOVE YOUR CHILDREN! This series which will raise parents and children’s awareness to hidden detrimental truths. Truths which are very important about how parents can be exposing themselves and their children to risk and danger without knowing. Most will read the book(s) and still carry on the same regardless and others will not even want to hear the truth, they would rather be deceived by the lies around them. These books are also filled with a lot of hidden solutions, quite funny, rhetorical at times but hits the spot, short but sweet.

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