Coaching The Coach

Get All The Support AGuidance You Need To Finally Be A Success At The Coaching Business You’ve Always Wanted!

by John Hawkins

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This Book Is One Of The Most Valuable Resources In The World When It Comes To Tips For Wildly Successful Coaching Business! Although coaching is a very profitable business to venture into, it has to be able to generate certain levels of credibility in both its presentation as well as in its content in order to be recognized as a business entity worth hiring. Having an undisputed or unshakeable confidence level is very important when it comes to making headway in the coaching arena. The coach works with the content that the client brings to the session. He must be able to determine Current State of Being (CSoB) of the client. This is the state that is made of the past and present circumstances. This is the life journey from birth to the current state. It is informed by many life events, good and/or bad. What is Coaching: * Coaching is about guiding you through your issues or problems or help you to achieve success using your own thought process by asking probing questions to understand your issues. * A good coach will use various tools and methods to guide you to developing goals and work through how you can achieve those goals by helping you to determine a realistic and meaningful plan of action which you will be able to follow on your own. * A coach also gives you a sense of accountability as having regular coaching sessions helps to keep you in check and keeps you focused on working through your plan. Far too easily we can get side tracked with other menial things that in reality do not take us towards our goals. Coaching helps to guide you and keep you on track. * A good coach will also be a good listener, as it is not their place to 'tell' you what to do next, they will listen to you and by asking questions try to translate what it is you are thinking or trying to get to. They help you define your thoughts, put them into perspective and priority, helping you to clear the 'mind clutter' happening inside your head. * A good coach will also help you to develop your strengths but also to help you identify your weaknesses and to work with you to find a way to either develop or get around that weakness. * They will help supply you with tools and techniques to equip you to be able to coach yourself. The magic of the Coach's Space: * The Third Space - You see, when a client and a coach connect a 'third' space is co -created in which creative ideas, insights and results emerge that otherwise would not occur if the client tried to focus on such thoughts independently. * A neutral partner - The space created by the career coach is not easily obtained by a client and say, his or her spouse/ partner etc. The coach must be a neutral third person who holds no agenda nor tries to set an agenda. You see, the other unique quality of career coaching is that the client sets the agenda. It's the coach's job to help the client keep focused on that agenda and embody the principle that "It's all about them." * No bad ideas -A career coach provides a supportive environment which enables the client to 'try on' different ideas. How many times have we had what we thought was a great idea but were hesitant to share it with our partner our spouse for fear of being criticized. A thoughtful career coach will encourage her clients to experiment with many job targets until the right match is discovered. In This Book, You Will Learn: * Coaching Basics * Build Your Own Confidence First * Choosing A Niche * Do You Need Certification * Setting Fees And so much more! ORDER NOW!

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Knowledge Elements

Reading Intent

Purpose: Skills
Reader's Existing Knowledge: Beginner (introduction)
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Everyone (no target age)

Example Forms

Author's Personal Anecdotes: None
Citations: None
Examples and Case Studies: Occasional examples or case studies
Exercises and Reader Questions: Evenly balanced between text and questions or exercises

Writing Style

Humor: Serious
Narrative: First person


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About the author

John Hawkins

John skill's with IT industry has propelled him into many different online businesses, including book publishing, affiliate marketing, Clickbank Product Launch, niche business sites and SEO work. He helps people to make money working through the internet. John is also a budding author, with self-help being his favored genre. His titles to date include, Affiliate Marketing Blueprint, Facebook Marketing Mastery, YouTube Marketing 101, Clickbank Success Secret, Adsence Cash Cow, Ultimate Passive Income, Email Marketing Secret, CPA Marketing Success Secret, Career in Freelancing, Blogging Success and many more. He plans to follow these with even more titles in the future, to help as many people as he can to find the same success that he has. You can contact John here:

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