The Gratitude Effect

Shift your mindset, Optimize your outcomes, Boost emotional wellbieing

by Richard Cavaness

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21,500 words
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165 min
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In this book you will discover the most MASSIVELY UNDERUTILIZED TOOL for improving life-satisfaction and overall happiness in your life!

Are you settling in life for mediocrity and look at life from a glass ½ empty perspective? Do you feel frustrated by your mental, emotional, and physically energy levels because they are not where you want them to be? Are you looking for happiness in all the wrong places and cannot seem to find joy with your life today?

The truth is it’s not in what you have, or do, or surround yourself with that actually determines your happiness in life. When you understand that your mindset and how you think is 100% responsible for the outcomes in your life, then you have opened yourself up to the one way of being that will change your life forever. That is living a life of Gratitude. Gratitude is the catalyst that fuels a positive mental attitude.

Gratitude is the simple, scientifically proven way to decrease stress, low energy, and attracting negative influences into our lives, but increase happiness and encourage greater joy, love, peace, and optimism into our lives.

Relying on both amusing personal experiences and extensive research, Rich explores how gratitude can transform every aspect of life including marriage and friendship, money and ambition, and health and fitness. At the end of every chapter is an application section to help you learn, apply, and excel.

This easy to read, short, yet power packed book will dramatically increase your personal well-being, your mental mindset and your personal outlook on life and your relationships.

In this book you will learn how to:

• Have the power each day to determine the direction of your thoughts and the direction of your life because negativity and gratitude cannot live in the same place!

• Reframe your past so you can be grateful for where you are today.

• Boost physical, emotional, and mental well-being with gratitude every day

• Understand that happiness and gratitude are connected to each other

• Develop gratitude in your life in 7 powerful ways

• Fend off the negative activities that keep you from being grateful

Rich gives you the tools you need to live your life in gratitude which includes a 66 day challenge to form the habit of Gratitude in your life.

Now, invest in yourself and scroll to the top of this page and buy the book and get started on living your best YOU today!


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Knowledge Elements

Reading Intent

Purpose: Self-help
Reader's Existing Knowledge: Beginner (introduction)
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Working Age Adults

Example Forms

Author's Personal Anecdotes: Frequent or continual
Citations: Mentioned, but not linked or footnoted
Examples and Case Studies: Frequent use of many different examples or case studies
Exercises and Reader Questions: Evenly balanced between text and questions or exercises

Writing Style

Humor: Serious
Narrative: Second person (instructive)


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About the author

Richard Cavaness

Rich Cavaness is best known as a popular author, trainer, and coach in the field of the science of success and personal development. He is a Certified Master Coach and his areas of expertise are teaching the 17 Principles of Success by Napoleon Hill, personal development and training, helping individuals with divorce and marriage issues, and his passion is the Monthly Wisdom Program, which is a monthly group coaching experience partnering with Derrick Sweet, Founder of the Certified Coaches Federation. Rich has authored four books, two seminar manuals, and produced the 16 sessions seminar “Living a No Limits Life.” And the 12 session seminar for people struggling with divorce and marriage issues “E5 Marriage Experience” His books are as follows: “Life After 9/11: ‘Five Spiritual Lessons” “Decoding the Secret: The Law of Attraction from a Biblical Perspective” and Study Guide “Gratitude: The Power of Thanksgiving in Our Lives” “The Road: Experience Empowered Living” “All Power 60 Day Personal Development and Coaching Manual” “The E5 Marriage Experience Seminar Workbook” With his unique blend of business and motivational savvy, coupled with his spiritual depth, Rich empowers people to take personal responsibility for their lives, to achieve more and to be a person who lives life with purpose and passion. His philosophy is, "Why live a good or mediocre life, when you have the power to live a great and no limits life!" Rich has the unique and powerful ability to take any topic and make it easy for people to understand and apply to their lives. He teaches people today how to master the important areas of their lives: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and relationally. Telephone: 1-214-924-5693 Dallas, TX Email:

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