Islamic Folklore The Life of Prophet Shits AS (Seth) Sons of Prophet Adam AS Bilingual Edition

by Jannah Firdaus Mediapro

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Islamic Folklore The Life of Prophet Shits AS (Seth) Sons of Prophet Adam AS Bilingual Edition In English Languange and German Languange. Based from The Noble Quran and Prophet Al-Hadist.

Prophet Shits AS (Seth) was born to Prophet Adam AS and Eve (Hawa), after Cain killed Abel. Allah SWT (God) gave the Revelation to Prophet Seth AS after the death of Prophet Adam AS. Allah SWT (God) revealed 50 booklets to Seth, as narrated by Ibn Hibban that Abu Dharr al-Ghifariyy heard this from Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Prophet Seth AS conveyed the message of Islam Faith to the people, telling the people the correct belief in Allah SWT (God) and the way to perform acceptable worship. All the humans were Muslim at that time, but still Allah SWT (God) gave the Revelation to Prophet Seth AS, and he taught and reminded the people.

Islamische Folklore Das Leben des Propheten Shits AS (Seth) Söhne des Propheten Adam AS Zweisprachige Ausgabe in englischer und deutscher Sprache. Basierend auf dem edlen Koran und Prophet Al-Hadist.

Prophet Shits AS (Seth) wurde dem Propheten Adam AS und Eva (Hawa) geboren, nachdem Kain Abel getötet hatte. Allah SWT (Gott) gab die Offenbarung an Prophet Seth AS nach dem Tod von Prophet Adam AS. Allah, der Erhabene, offenbarte Seth 50 Broschüren, wie Ibn Hibban berichtet, dass Abu Dharr al-Ghifariyy dies vom Propheten Muhammad SAW gehört hat.

Prophet Seth AS überbrachte den Menschen die Botschaft des islamischen Glaubens, indem er ihnen den richtigen Glauben an Allah, den Erhabenen, und den Weg zu einem annehmbaren Gottesdienst erklärte. Alle Menschen waren zu dieser Zeit Muslime, aber dennoch gab Allah SWT (Gott) dem Propheten Seth AS die Offenbarung, und er lehrte und erinnerte die Menschen.

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Story Elements

Ratings Factors

Language: No profanity or censor words
Sexual Content: No sexual acts implied or described
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Everyone (no target age)
Violence: Death, but minimal violence


Geography: Earth
Realism: Fantasy world with low or no magic
Setting Type: Fantasy
Time Period: Prehistoric

Main Character

Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Race: Irrelevant
Religion: Muslim
Sexual Preference: Irrelevant or N/A

Styles & Themes

Humor: Serious
Inspires Reader to Feel: Spiritual
Mysteries & Puzzles: None or only very minor mysteries
Pacing: Time to savor, deliberate
Physical Action: Minor and occasional action
Political/Social Commentary: Politics irrelevant to story
Romance: Minor romance, not a significant story driver
Genre Fantasy
  • World is similar to ours, but plot elements include magic
  • Fantasy world with low or no magic
  • Fantasy world where magic is prevalent
Setting Type:
  • Fantasy
Time Period:
  • N/A (Fantasy Setting)


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About the author

Jannah Firdaus Mediapro

Indie Author & Artist Community From South East Asia

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