Sueños de Terabytes del Señor Majestuoso

Una Novela Corta

by Ralph Clayton

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13,000 words
$CP 0.49
159 min
$CP 0.79

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Esta aqui, él Señor Majestuoso. Él está buscando su propio destino, sin embargo él es incapaz de encontrarlo. Esta es la vida de un paria y rebelde, un antihéroe que quiere ser libre de todo. Él no vive en la realidad, sino en algun otro lugar, donde los sueños oscuros pueden hacerse realidad. Su pasado lo persigue infinitamente sin cesar, con la esperanza de retribución divina. Un día de estos el destino podra cobrarse finalmente su gran venganza. Esta es la vida, su historia y su destino, un error a la vez. Una mala elección tras otra. Este es el majestuoso comienzo de el épico y único final.


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Story Elements

Ratings Factors

Language: Major use of profanity
Sexual Content: Occasional detailed sex scene
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Adult only (erotic)
Violence: Extreme violence, torture, maiming


Geography: Russia
Realism: World is similar to ours, but plot elements involve fantasy or magic
Setting Type: Fantasy
Time Period: 2010 - 2019

Main Character

Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian European
Religion: Irrelevant
Sexual Preference: Irrelevant or N/A

Styles & Themes

Humor: Dark humor
Inspires Reader to Feel: Confident/Self-Motivated
Mysteries & Puzzles: Modest mystery element(s) to story
Pacing: Moves quickly
Physical Action: Frequent action, driven by threat to safety or life by antagonist(s)
Political/Social Commentary: Politics irrelevant to story
Romance: Minor romance, not a significant story driver
Genre Fantasy
  • World is similar to ours, but plot elements include magic
  • Fantasy world with low or no magic
  • Fantasy world where magic is prevalent
Setting Type:
  • Fantasy
Time Period:
  • N/A (Fantasy Setting)


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About the author

Ralph Clayton

Originally from the misty and rainy lands of the UK. At age 18 very cleverly, commenced the study of modern languages and literature at university, eventually graduating and becoming a polyglot with magical literary skills. For the next couple years, travelling and working in different countries would be an insatiable passion. Three main countries, notoriously influence my ideas and work. Japan, Russia, and Mexico. Currently, full-time expat living in Moscow, Russia. Enjoying the endless winter, and consistently working on the next project. My work can be best described as vibrant and colorful descriptions of life, with a twist. There are no boundaries that can't be crossed, the good and the bad things of reality itself. There is always something to explore and talk about.

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