Mx. Creighton has been writing and telling stories for years, but these are the first satisfactory novel-length works. BJ has plans to revisit a science fiction trilogy to see if its novels can be raised to publication quality. BJ does extensive traveling and tries to remain current on scientific developments.
The setting for No Sanctuary came from volunteering at Rowe Sanctuary in south-central Nebraska. Rowe sees about half a million sandhill cranes each spring, a spectacle that prompts a migrations of birders and bird watchers to the Kearney-Grand Island area.
The ideas that led to Ebolavirus came from the secrecy surrounding various bio-terrorism efforts. Many people have contributed to the many BT projects, but they and their research results are largely unknown. This work is so extensive that security classifications have been lost, researchers have come and gone and so on. It is well known that both Soviet and American governments worked on weaponizing Ebola, hence this novel.