Smokey the Talking Dog and other tales from the land of loganberry

by Jim Nolan

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Podcast Audiobook
19 Episodes
156 Minutes Total

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This legacy title is only available as a serialized audibook in podcast form.


Shag carpeting, talking dogs, grizzly bears and Emilio Pucci commercials. Jim Nolan has encountered them all and survived. These stories, most of which first aired on WBFO Public Radio in Buffalo, relate how his love for his hometown and family was able to overcome the obstacles they set in his way, for example, his father's scrambled eggs and offer to reveal "the secret of math." Warm-hearted and hilarious, Smokey the Talking Dog and other tales from the land of loganberry captures a city and era full of eccentricities, hidden dangers and the best local food east of Kansas City.

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Story Elements

Ratings Factors

Language: No profanity or censor words
Sexual Content: No sexual acts implied or described
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Everyone (no target age)
Violence: None


Geography: North America
Realism: A true story to the best of the author's knowledge
Setting Type: Urban (city)
Time Period: N/A

Main Character

Age: Other or N/A
Gender: Male
Race: Irrelevant
Religion: Irrelevant
Sexual Preference: Irrelevant or N/A

Styles & Themes

Humor: Humor throughout
Inspires Reader to Feel: Nostalgic/Happy
Mysteries & Puzzles: None or only very minor mysteries
Pacing: Moves quickly
Physical Action: Negligible physical action
Political/Social Commentary: Politics irrelevant to story
Romance: Minor romance, not a significant story driver
Genre Humor
  • Laughs take priority over all else

About the author

Listen to Smokey the Talking Dog and other tales from the land of loganberry

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