Magical Clothes

by Nobilis Reed

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Podcast Audiobook
7 Episodes
176 Minutes Total

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This legacy title is only available as a serialized audibook in podcast form.


This is the story of Verity, the child who dared to shout the truth of the Emperor’s New Clothes. Now all grown up, she is ready for a bawdy adventure of her own. The city of Blindestadt suffers under the oppressive rule of an emperor driven mad by shame. Public nudity is now a punishment, inflicted on those he disfavors, in the form of magical clothes that aren't really there.

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Story Elements

Ratings Factors

Language: Minor profanity used occasionally
Sexual Content: Erotica - frequent detailed sex
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Adult only (erotic)
Violence: Minor


Geography: Northern Europe, Scandinavia
Realism: Consistent with real world, no magic, no unachieved science
Setting Type: Urban (city)
Time Period: 1300 - 1499

Main Character

Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian European
Religion: Irrelevant
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Styles & Themes

Humor: Moments of levity
Inspires Reader to Feel: N/A or None of the above
Mysteries & Puzzles: Modest mystery element(s) to story
Pacing: Moves quickly
Physical Action: Frequent action, driven by threat to safety or life by antagonist(s)
Political/Social Commentary: Heavy use of social and political themes on a personal level
Romance: Minor romance, not a significant story driver
Genre Erotic
Sexual Content:
  • Erotica - frequent detailed sex
  • Pornography - frequent detailed sex with detailed descriptions of acts and body parts

About the author

More books by Nobilis Reed

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