W3t Laik A Wh0r3

by Ralph Clayton

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Podcast Audiobook
14 Episodes
279 Minutes Total

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This legacy Podiobooks.com title is only available as a serialized audibook in podcast form.


Welcome to my glorious life. I'm PurpleCandyXXX the one and only, the majestic online WebStar and AdultPerformer. This world has never seen anyone else like me before. Born as a poor nobody in a forgotten Ukrainian village in the middle of nowhere, I was rightfully able to choke destiny with my very own two hands. I rose from the ashes of the old to become who I am now, your one and only eternal goddess. This is me, your delightful purple candy. Take my invitation and I shall make you free in my own Mesopotamian paradise. It's so devilish good, you'll never want to go back. Lose yourself inside me, it's not a wicked sin but a rightful choice that's easy to take and impossible to forget. Hear my song, the beautiful song of the Siren. Blissful Nirvana is waiting for you my dear fanatics, only if you're able to cross the thin line between this life and the next.

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Story Elements

Ratings Factors

Language: Major use of profanity
Sexual Content: Pornography - frequent detailed sex with detailed descriptions of acts and body parts
Target Audience Age/Stage of Life: Adult only (erotic)
Violence: Minor


Geography: Earth
Realism: Consistent with real world, no magic, no unachieved science
Setting Type: Urban (city)
Time Period: 2010 - 2019

Main Character

Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian European
Religion: Irrelevant
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Styles & Themes

Humor: Dark humor
Inspires Reader to Feel: N/A or None of the above
Mysteries & Puzzles: Significant mystery(ies) are core to driving the story
Pacing: Time to savor, deliberate
Physical Action: Minor and occasional action
Political/Social Commentary: Politics irrelevant to story
Romance: No romantic elements
Genre Erotic
Sexual Content:
  • Erotica - frequent detailed sex
  • Pornography - frequent detailed sex with detailed descriptions of acts and body parts

About the author

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